Or, yet another instrument to learn.

My shakuhachi shipped today. I had tried in the past to make a pvc practice flute, but couldn’t get the tuning or the mouthpiece right. The mouthpiece was the worst part. It was off just enough to make the already frustrating task of learning to play all the more irritating. However, when I could get a note to sound, it was totally exhilarating.

So I found this guy in New Mexico can crafts what he calls utility flutes out of pvc. I ordered a standard D model, as it’s the traditional beginner key. It is the midrange color with a standard overcut.

I’m really looking forward to trying out the instrument, especially after my previous unsatisfying experience. I trust that this will be a much finer piece than I turned out, given the crazy tuning diagrams the guy has up on his site.

Since my readers might have no idea what the flute sounds like, I can suggest you listen here.

—Jul 29, 2005